

Visitors are forever asking us for photos of our boats that they can use as wallpaper on their computer monitors. So here you go–at least this is a start.

These are copyrighted images, but there is no charge for their use as wallpaper.
All we ask is that if someone asks whose boats they are, and where to learn more about them, that you direct them to this website.

We'll add more as time and server space allows.
For now, here are shots of two of our Newfoundland Trap Skiffs.



18'-0" Osprey at Lincolnville Beach

NTS: Osprey

download zip file

(This is a cover photo from Wherries)

19'-11" Thank You on launching day

NTS: Thank You

download zip file

(This is the Trap Skiff documented in our Newfoundland Trap Skiff CD.)

These are compressed .zip files, and will work equally well on Mac or Windows computers. Once saved to your desktop, you will have to decide how
to use it. There are three options: full screen (which enlarges the image
but degrades its quality appreciably), tile (which will cover your desktop
with multiple images), or center. We prefer centering because it is shown
at full resolution and without distortion.

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© 2005 W.J. Simmons